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Tchoukball on Fire

As an Educator, and Former Handball Player, I love Tchoukball.

By Monday, November 18, 2013No Comments

LaurentBellenguez170Laurent is a school teacher, at elementary school in Chevroux, L’Ain, France, he has been a teacher for 12 years and since 2009, he is the principal of the school. In 2008, when he lived in Cergy, close to the Switzerland border, he attended a teacher training, with the sport Tchoukball in the program, and as there was the word ball in Tchoukball, he chose it. As a former handball player, and thinking of giving it up, he was really attracted by Tchoukball, and therefore he decided to start the promotion of the game when he returned to Chevroux. He succeeded to create a Tchoukball Club in Pont-de-Vaux, with some friends, as well as youths who started to play the game. When he was younger, about 18 year old, he started as a sport counselor during summer with youths, later on he became an instructor to train counselor candidates, and taught them fun games, to practice with youths.

In 2011, he took part to the World Tchoukball Championship on Ferrara Italy, with a men team. After the FITB General Assembly, he became responsible to promote the game in France and also to revive the French Federation of Tchoukball.

He is currently the France Federation of Tchoukball  (FFTB) president.

In this interview, Laurent explains to us how he discovered Tchoukball, and why he thinks Tchoukball is a fantastic educational tool. As a counselor in summer camp, teacher, and former handball player, he really love Tchoukball for its spirit. He also explains his work in France, within the federation, but also what have been the achievements he obtained during his tenure.

You can contact Laurent by e-mail: or, and through the FFTB website. You also can follow Tchoukball France on Facebook.

Next episode: Shari Frank, M. Ed Physical Education Teacher, PA USA