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Tchoukball on Fire

Tchoukball on the Reunion Island (France)

By Tuesday, May 6, 2014May 15th, 2014No Comments

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Picture of Richard ParassouraminRichard Parassouramin lives on La Reunion Island, France, he is the father of two children and soon another one, he is a physical educator in a high school. Richard is a former handball players. His wife told him about Tchoukball and this is how he discovered the game.

He introduced Tchoukball to his students in September 2012. In 2012, he also founded a Tchoukball club in St. Benoit, with twenty players, and today the club has about fifty players playing the sports. In 2013, with the M18 team, he represented France at the World Youth Tchoukball Championship held in Taiwan.

Richard is really interested in the fact that Tchoukball could be played by mixed genders, half of the members of his club, are females from age 6 to adults.

In this interview, Richard explains to us why he likes Tchoukball, how he achieved to have a team of M18 going to Taiwan in less of 6 months, and what are his projects on the island and in the Indian Ocean basin.

You can contact Richard by e-mail: at tchoukballreunion(at)
Phone: +262 692 6436 66
visit his club blog:
his FB page: richard.parassouramin

Next episode: Claudio Brenna, boss of Tchoukball Beach Festival Rimini, Italy